This gallon bottle containing 3785ml will last your pet or horse the longest, and for the most value. The gallon bottle is favoured among those who typically dose multiple animals; veterinary practices and stable yards.
LubriSynHA is a liquid oral joint supplement that contains high-molecular-weight hyaluronic acid (HA). HA is essential for maintaining healthy synovial fluid, which lubricates and cushions joints. LubriSyn Equine provides the following benefits:
Osteoarthritis: LubriSynHA helps reduce inflammation and maintain joint health by replenishing synovial fluid.
Tendon Injuries: The supplement supports the lubrication of tendons and reduces inflammation, aiding in recovery.
Bone Spavin: By maintaining joint fluid and reducing inflammation, LubriSynHA can help alleviate the symptoms associated with bone spavin.
Inflammations: The anti-inflammatory properties of HA help in reducing overall joint and tissue inflammation.
Arthritis: LubriSynHA can alleviate the pain and inflammation associated with arthritis by supporting the health of synovial fluid.
Lameness: By improving joint function and reducing pain, the supplement helps in mitigating lameness.
Other Joint Problems: The overall support for joint health provided by LubriSynHA helps in managing various other joint-related issues.
Additionally, LubriSynHA helps keep your horse in excellent condition by promoting overall joint health and mobility
Why Hyaluronic Acid (HA) is Essential for Your Horse?
The natural levels of Hyaluronan or Hyaluronic Acid (HA) in a horse’s body diminish with age and excessive wear-and-tear. Performance animals such as racehorses and dressage ponies typically require more HA than their less-athletic counterparts. Ensuring your horse receives adequate HA is crucial for maintaining joint health and overall performance.